Forum for exchange of information about the owners of phone numbers in Germany 01633683111, 01742414037, 01632291081, 01634018808, 09151980818

This page contains some topics for discussion and exchange of information about the owners of phone numbers, for example, such as: 01633683111, 01742414037, 01632291081, 01634018808, 09151980818. Select the number or topic for discussion of your interest, read the information or provide your feedback or comment. Use the search feature to go to the phone number of your interest quickly. Your opinion about the owner of the free phone number or the phone number with separate payment is extremely valued. Feedback provided on the website might help many people to avoid trouble; enable to sum up the situation objectively, as well as to prevent the unfavorable purchases or contact. Any information provided by you will have appreciative users!

  • Fraudster 24-12-2021
  • -5 Rating:
  • Name:
In use by crooks
  • Unknown 16-12-2021
  • 0 Rating:
  • Name:
Name - unknown, mobile phone number, Vodafone
  • Unknown 16-12-2021
  • 5 Rating:
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This number called me and as a unknown person and asked my personal info so i wanted to know who is this ??
  • Fraudster 02-12-2021
  • 0 Rating:
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Fraud! I had the same experience as Marie 28-11 above . I havet not bought anything from Germany .
  • Fraudster 01-12-2021
  • -5 Rating:
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Asks to click on a link to get money back… in Dutch
  • Positive 29-11-2021
  • 5 Rating:
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This pure-minded young man, without claim and with high nature, is a worthy model for a group of well-known activists in the field of culture and art in the province .
  • Fraudster 28-11-2021
  • 0 Rating:
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This must be fraud . Got a text message from this number including a web link . When I clicked it, it said a parcel was held up at a parcel service depot and that I should pay for freight in order to get it . Since I haven\'t purchased anything from Germany now, this is clearly something non-legal going on
  • Fraudster 24-11-2021
  • 2 Rating:
  • Name:
This is a con and crook who tries to fish money from people who might be likely to expect a shipment!
  • Fraudster 17-11-2021
  • -5 Rating:
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I received a sms from phonenumber +491638629507 . It said that I would receive an amount from DigiD . I\'m certain this is a phishing sms . Do not click on the link!
  • 积极的 12-11-2021
  • 5 Rating:
  • Name:
ganz gut Junge
  • Fraudster 10-11-2021
  • -5 Rating:
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Trying to lead me to a suspicious link in order to track my missed delivery
  • Fraudster 10-11-2021
  • -5 Rating:
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I have been scammed by this servicе
  • Business 09-11-2021
  • -5 Rating:
  • Name:
***stitute service in Ukraine
  • Spam 21-10-2021
  • -5 Rating:
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Sprechen auf Englisch . Geben sich als Microsoft Mitarbeiter aus!! “““Spam“““
  • Fraudster 13-10-2021
  • -5 Rating:
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is just a as*hole
  • Fraudster 13-10-2021
  • -5 Rating:
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he say to be a lawyer but it\'s not true! is a scam!!
  • Fraudster 13-10-2021
  • -5 Rating:
  • Name:
no words . i\'ve been scammed
  • Fraudster 13-10-2021
  • -5 Rating:
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he is a scam! pay attention people!!
  • Business 09-10-2021
  • 2 Rating:
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call me several times
  • Fraudster 21-09-2021
  • -5 Rating:
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Offers geld in name DIGD
  • Spam 13-09-2021
  • -5 Rating:
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This number rings early morning and there is nobody there when answered
  • Collector 07-09-2021
  • -5 Rating:
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bitcoin cheater
  • Positive 01-09-2021
  • 5 Rating:
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Warin wara Makara emathun ennwa anisa
  • Spam 25-08-2021
  • -3 Rating:
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fixed line, Marschacht
  • Spam 25-08-2021
  • -2 Rating:
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it calls me last year and I\'m so curious who that is, cause I don\'t have any relatives or friends that knows what my phone numbers .
  • Fraudster 07-08-2021
  • -5 Rating:
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This person is Betrüger on Ebay Kleinanzeigen and he took my 750€ . This number is already reported to the police so please ve aware of this .
  • Spam 04-08-2021
  • -2 Rating:
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Rief zweimal an, ließ jeweils einmal klingeln und legte auf .
  • Fraudster 28-07-2021
  • -5 Rating:
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computer fraud
  • Unknown 26-07-2021
  • 0 Rating:
  • Name:
Name is Unknown, fixed line, Anrochte
  • Spam 26-07-2021
  • -5 Rating:
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It is a spam
  • Fraudster 16-07-2021
  • -5 Rating:
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4 x am tag , 1x klingeln
  • Fraudster 13-07-2021
  • -5 Rating:
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Some one who said her name is Lisa, is looking for money about a christian religion but its fake, be careful!
  • Fraudster 12-07-2021
  • -3 Rating:
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GERMAN: Bitte rufen sie diese nummer nicht an und reagieren sie auch bitte nicht auf die gesendeten SMS dieser Nummer ( +49 163 8758180 ) . Ich habe sowohl von dieser als auch von der Nummer +49 172 6328326 eine Spam SMS erhalten mit der Nachrricht: \" Sie haben 1 neue Voicemail . Gehen Sie zu (hier ein link zu einer sehr wahrscheinlich gefährlichen Seite) \" . Die Seiten nennen sich itas . co . in und tarcuae . com und sollten auf keinen fall ohne weitere Sicherheitsmasnahmen vorher getroffe
  • Spam 08-07-2021
  • -5 Rating:
  • Name:
VORSICHT - GEFAHR * SPAM * festnetz, Stuttgart
  • Unknown 08-07-2021
  • 0 Rating:
  • Name:
VORSICHT - GEFAHR * SPAM * Name ist angeblich Legt Einfach Auf oder Betrüger, Duisburg
  • Unbekannt 08-07-2021
  • -5 Rating:
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Bekomme ständig Anrufe von der Nummer . Kenne ich aber nicht . Das nervt
  • Unknown 03-07-2021
  • 0 Rating:
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Name: Unknown, mobile phone number - T-Mobile
  • Unknown 03-07-2021
  • 0 Rating:
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He is offering me a business and I don’t know who he is
  • Fraudster 16-06-2021
  • -5 Rating:
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Scam message from Romanian scumbags pretending to be from HMRC .
  • Spam 11-06-2021
  • -5 Rating:
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Phoned and accused us of cutting him up in our car - said he knew where we lived .
  • Fraudster 11-06-2021
  • -5 Rating:
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Auto Call Scammer . They call me several times a day and when a block them another number is used . They all use the pre-fix of 07999961 . . . . . 433, 334, 131, 901, 925, 677 .
  • Spam 19-05-2021
  • -5 Rating:
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calls at night time
  • Inquiries 13-05-2021
  • 5 Rating:
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This number send me videos on WhatsApp . and I don\'t know him
  • Fraudster 26-04-2021
  • -5 Rating:
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Received message on SMS \"You have (1) Pending Package! Ref . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \" with link . Do NOT click the link!
  • Fraudster 19-04-2021
  • -5 Rating:
  • Name:
Oszust, wysyła jakieś nieznane paczki .
  • Fraudster 19-04-2021
  • -5 Rating:
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!!! FRAUD / SPAM / PHISHING: DO NOT CLICK THE LINK IN SMS !!! /// SMS auf mein Firmenhandy (dessen Nummer ich nie für irgendwelche privaten Zwecke angebe) , mit einem Link zu einer angeblichen Paketsendung ID #2389 ("ist unterwegs") zu der "weitere Informationen benötigt werden". LINK: www . livenetwork . id/pkge/xxxxxx !!! Nach diversen Warnungen zu solchen SMS ( (s.a. Millionenfach gefälschte SMS-Paketnachrichten) von angeblichen Paketsendungen rate ich persönlich dringend davon ab diesen Link
  • Unknown 13-04-2021
  • -5 Rating:
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Didn't answer the call, I never get phone calls from out of my own country. + When I blocked the call I got called again immediately. Possible scammers.
  • Fraudster 12-04-2021
  • -5 Rating:
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Scam .Man ask for help receiving his package but which you have to pay for receiving it yourself.
  • Spam 08-04-2021
  • -5 Rating:
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SCAM - habe nichts bestellt - lebe nicht in Deutschland Finger weg den Link in der SMS anzuklicken oder die Nr.zurueck zu rufen 2.te NR. +4916097000205 3-te NR. +4917631369884
  • Fraudster 06-04-2021
  • -5 Rating:
  • Name:
call from this number7/4/21 claiming to be from Amazon. Automated voice stated I had ordered an I phone 7 and charged 299 pounds. If not ordered press 1. Don't do it as this is a German mobile number and possibly a premium number.

Administration of the website does not share the view published in the comments to the phone numbers and shall not be liable for it. The information, feedback and ratings concerning any phone number in this free database and register of phone numbers in Germany is not an opinion of the website administration. We shall not be liable for reliability of information content in the comments to the phone numbers, quality of goods and services rendered. The information is placed on the website by the visitors personally within their personal responsibility and can be deleted upon reasonable request of the owner of phone number in the event of evident spam or business reputational damage. We are not engaged into collection and distribution of personal data or information related to data placed by the visitors. All the comments sent by the visitors go through automatic content moderation for compliance with the rules, as well as the post content moderation.

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